How to Clean & Care for Wood Blinds

A person cleaning wooden blinds with a brush.

Wood blinds lend warmth and elegance to a room but can lose their luster over time. Unlike their vinyl and metal brethren, simple wipe-downs won’t do to keep them clean. They need loving care, like your prized furniture. Plus, they’re exposed to sunlight, dust, grease, and kitchen grime daily.

Why Take Special Care of Your Wood Blinds?

Wood blinds are an investment. You want them to last years, even decades. They’re also terrific energy-savers. Properly maintained wood blinds create a buffer between your home’s interior and the elements, reducing noise intrusion and saving on heating and cooling bills.

Like all wood products, your blinds need care and attention to maximize their lifetime. This guide will show you how to keep your wood blinds pristine.

Cleaning & Caring for Wood Blinds: The Basics

Dusting & Regular Cleaning

  • Use a feather duster or a microfiber cloth to gently remove dust.
  • Be thorough, especially in the crevices between the slats.
  • In general, weekly dusting is sufficient.

Regular Cleaning (Monthly or as Needed)

  • Mix mild detergent with warm water in a bucket or a sink basin.
  • Don’t use too much soap that can leave residue and damage your blinds’ finish.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the solution and wring it until almost dry.
  • Lower the blinds and wipe down each slat carefully from top to bottom.
  • Let the slats dry thoroughly before raising the blinds again.
  • Steer clear of harsh chemicals, as they can damage the wood’s finish.
  • Stick to mild, wood-friendly cleaning solutions to maintain the blinds’ sheen.

Stain Removal

  • Apply a paste of baking soda and water on the affected area.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes before gently scrubbing it with a soft brush.
  • Rinse and wipe dry.

Sun Protection

  • Protect your wood blinds from direct sunlight.
  • Prolonged exposure can lead to fading and warping.
  • Consider using curtains or shades to shield them from the harsh rays.

Maintenance of Moving Parts

  • Periodically, check and lubricate the moving parts of your blinds.
  • Do NOT use oil or WD-40.
  • Instead, opt for a silicone-based lubricant or paraffin wax.
  • This ensures smooth operation and extends the blinds’ lifespan.

Professional Cleaning

  • For a deep clean, enlist a professional blind-cleaning service with the expertise and equipment to maintain your wood blinds’ integrity.


  • If you plan to store your wood blinds, ensure they are clean and dry.
  • Store them in a cool, dry place to prevent warping.

Repairing Damages

  • Repair scratches, broken slats, or malfunctioning mechanisms promptly to prevent further damage.
  • Consider hiring a professional repair service for more complex issues.

Cleaning Wood Blinds in Detail: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Is it Real Wood?

  • Many imitation wood blinds on the market easily fool the eye, so take the time to verify that your blinds are made from natural wood.
  • Faux wood blinds are less delicate and may require different cleaning methods, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Complete a Quick Dusting

  • Use a dry-dusting product, like a paper towel, an old sock, or a Swiffer cloth. Microfiber is the apex dusting cloth.
  • Move from one side to the other so dust doesn’t resettle on the blinds underneath.
  • Always start at the top of each blind and move to the bottom.
  • If you choose to vacuum, use only the soft-bristle attachment. Other attachments can damage blinds.

3. Use Wood Cleaner to Target More Difficult Spots

  • Use wood cleaner for stubborn spots.
  • Don’t oversaturate the slat; spray from a distance or directly onto a cloth.
  • There’s no harm in cleaning all other slats while you’re at it.

4. Polish for a Beautiful Shine

  • This step is optional but highly recommended.
  • Use wood polish to bring out the shine in your blinds. Follow the instructions.
  • Never apply too much polish, and don’t apply it too often.

5. Use a Dryer Sheet to Repel Dust

  • Run a dryer sheet over your blinds as you finish.
  • This reduces the buildup of static electricity that attracts dirt.
  • Alternatively, you can dip a rag in fabric softener and brush it over the slats.
  • Woo hoo! Your sparkling clean blinds now have the brisk scent of fresh laundry.

So there you have it — the easy-peasy way to keep your luxury wood blinds looking like new. These cleaning tips also work for vertical wood blinds (with minor modifications), so please incorporate them into your routine. With regular cleaning and proper care, your wood blinds will maintain their beauty and functionality for years.

And for any repairs or upgrades, please call us at Aero Shade. We’ve been the go-to window treatment shop in Los Angeles for 50+ years; we can fix or restore almost anything in our local factory.

FAQs: More about Wood Blind Care

Q: Can I Use Vinegar and Water to Clean My Wood Blinds?

You can mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it as a cleaning solution. Test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the finish.

Q: Can I use any cleaning solution on wood blinds?

It’s crucial to use a mild cleaning solution specifically designed for wood. Harsh chemicals can harm the wood’s finish.

Q: How often should I deep clean my wood blinds?

Depending on dust and dirt accumulation, deep cleaning should be done every 6-12 months.

Q: What’s the best way to prevent the warping of wood slats?

Avoid placing your blinds in direct sunlight and make sure they’re completely dry before storing them.

Q: Can I replace a single damaged slat?

Individual slats can usually be replaced. Contact the manufacturer or a professional for guidance.

Q: Do wood blinds require any special maintenance in winter?

Wood blinds are generally low-maintenance in winter. Just ensure they’re clean and dry to prevent damage from cold temperatures.

Q: What is the best type of cloth for cleaning wood blinds?

Microfiber cloths are excellent for cleaning wood blinds as they can pick up dust without scratching the surface.

Q: Is there a specific type of wood cleaner I should use?

Not all wood cleaners are created equal, so it’s best to use one made for the type of wood in your slats. Always read the product label and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Q: Can I use furniture polish on my wood blinds?

Furniture polish can help maintain the sheen of your wood blinds. Don’t overdo it; polish can build up and attract more dust.

Q: How can I fix a broken cord on my wood blinds?

You can follow online tutorials or hire a professional. Always handle cords carefully, as they can pose a strangulation hazard, especially for children.

Q: How do I prevent my wood blinds from yellowing over time?

Regular cleaning and protection from direct sunlight can help prevent yellowing. Wood polish also helps to maintain the original color.

Q: How do I know when it’s time to replace my wood blinds?

If your blinds are frequently jamming, have discolored slats, or if the cord is broken and can’t be fixed, it’s time to replace them. And if their aesthetics no longer fit your room, it’s time to switch them out.