
How to Care for Horizontal Window Blinds

By |2023-06-22T19:46:00+00:00April 10th, 2015|Blog, Uncategorized|

Blind experts can cut horizontal window blinds to fit almost any window. That makes them a versatile choice for controlling how much natural light enters a room. You can use them to create a uniform look throughout your house or to complete the look of a single room. Unfortunately, the numerous benefits of window blinds [...]

Blinds vs. Shades: Choosing a Window Treatment

By |2023-06-22T19:46:00+00:00March 27th, 2015|Blog, Uncategorized|

Remodeling or decorating a home sometimes seems like an endless sea of decisions. From sorting through carpet and paint samples to comparing lamp shades with throw pillows, you can easily feel overwhelmed. Don't try to decide everything at once. It can seem impossible to pick out a specific item from hundreds of choices. When it [...]

The Beginner’s Guide to Window Cleaning

By |2023-06-22T19:46:01+00:00March 10th, 2015|Blog, Uncategorized|

Like any homeowner, your home is your pride and joy. You vacuum your floors regularly and mow the lawn on a strict schedule. You sweep, mop, and scrub the floors before visitors stop by, and your garden is manicured to perfection. Almost everything in your home is neat and tidy, just the way you like [...]

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